Living in a permaculture garden
There are not two permaculture gardens are alike and there may be quite different purposes of the gardens also. For most, it is interesting to know what to get out of making a permaculture garden and how to make it so they live in it. In the following, I will try to shed light on the most common issues and questions.
The zones
It is quite clear that permaculture gardens can be very different and may largely be made as desired and always from the options the landscape and invites to. Permaculture projects are always shared into 6 zones 0-5, large farms often have all 6. A permaculture garden will often have at least three zones 0 = house, 1 = require multiple daily visits, 2 = require daily visits, but there may also be several zones, depending on the area.
Nature's Biological Cycle
In some gardens, it is about to produce as much food as possible. Others must be a lovely place with lots of life and nature, a nature area. Both are possible and all sorts of different mixtures with a little of both is also possible. It's just a matter of making the right permaculture design plan, which makes it quite clear what it is possible to make and how it can be made. In all permaculture gardens, it is vital to restore the natural biological cycles and collect rainwater, All biological material is recycled just like it happens all by itself in nature.
Animals and Plants should be seen as elements of a permaculture garden
In order to restore the natural biological cycles, used as many perennial plants as possible in the form of trees, shrubs, herbs, and vegetables grown in up to 7-9 layers, as seen in a natural forest. It is also important with as many different animals as possible to be part of a permaculture garden. The animals must have direct or indirect access to the ground in the whole garden every year.
Both animals and plants have to be seen as part of the total biological cycle, to be established in all permaculture gardens.
In larger gardens, there can be multiple units. A unit can be seen as part of the garden where we make a separated biological cycle that in turn have an input and provides an output to the rest of the permaculture garden. As mentioned, it is important to have as many animals as possible in a permaculture garden. When talking about private gardens in cities where you might not be allowed to have chickens or other animals, it's about attracting as many of nature's animals as possible.
The creation of an aquatic environment
All rainwater from rooftops, greenhouses etc. is to be collected to creating the aquatic environment by making small lakes which are connected to each other through overflow from one lake to the other in a closed water cycle. The lakes and water cycle should be seen as a means of transport of energy and nutrients in the biological cycle, which is the base of all permaculture gardens.
The production continues to rise for 20 to 30 years
Basically, it's all about rebuilding soil fertility by making a food productive copy of what nature would do by itself if the land was left untouched.
It takes time, but not as long time as it did just a few years ago. By using the latest biological knowledge, techniques, and technology, a permaculture garden is established and running just in two to three years. The production of vegetables, herbs and especially fruits, berries, nuts, etc. Will continue to rise to the garden is 20 to 30 years old.
The area on a permaculture garden can be anything from under 500m2 to 1000m2. and even greater in certain circumstances.
A permaculture garden on 1 ha. will allow a very high level of self-sufficiency for a fammily, covering most food for a family of four and provide opportunities for sale or exchange as production increases with the age of the garden.
Chickens, geese, ducks, and rabbits in the garden
How big is a permaculture garden before it is more like a permaculture smallholding? There may be different answers because it is not always only the area that counts, but also how it is used. If there are several larger animals such as goats, pigs, and cows and production of products for sale, then it look at the link about smallholdings.
However, it is often sensible with a pig in the garden and if you like goat's milk so it is really smart with a goat, if you have space. Small animals such as chickens, geese, ducks, and rabbits are always excellent features of a permaculture garden. The animals that may be in a permaculture garden is the animal that can fit into the biological cycle, that can live within the biological cycle. With more land and space to create grazing land, then it is also possible with a share-cow to milk in a permaculture garden.